Income Taxes

Direct taxation in India broadly refers to the Income Tax laws which involve personal tax, corporate tax, minimum alternate tax, capital gains tax, international tax and transfer pricing. We offer services in each of the above mentioned areas of tax and regulatory compliance.


Income Tax computation and return filing services

Computation of Total Income, Filing of Income Tax return of salaried Individual. Partnership firm, LLP, Private Limited company, proprietorship business.


Tax Strategy and Compliance

Our endeavor is to formulate an ideal tax strategy for our clients which is compliant with the law, legitimately reduces the tax liabilities and yet is not prone to invite litigation. This involves a complete understanding of the ever changing tax laws which offer innumerable tax optimization opportunities in the form of deductions, exemptions and claims for losses and expenses. Understanding clients business and structure we formulate potential tax strategies, discussed and finalized to minimize the tax liabilities recognizing the fact that the tax strategy should not be overly aggressive and should not increase clients’ tax risks. Our tax teams constantly monitor the development of jurisprudence, the statutory pronouncements and the amendments in tax laws which invariably have far reaching consequences on the clients’ tax strategies. Our knowledge plays a pivotal role in tax planning, advisory and compliance services. Our regulatory compliance services ensure that the clients attain a high level of stringent tax law compliances.


Tax Representation

We provide representation services to clients at all levels of tax hierarchy ranging from assessment to administrative and appellate stages. We have competence and resources to serve clients at all levels of appellate stages ranging from Appellate Commissioners, Dispute Resolution Panel, and Income Tax Appellate Tribunals.



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